Evaluation Criteria

Max. Scores(100) Sections Details

An abstract is a brief summary of a article of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. An abstract is generally kept brief, but include the elements as:

  • A statement of the problem and objectives
  • A summary of employed methods or your research approach the significance of the proposed topic should become clear as well
  • A self-contained piece of writing that can be understood independently from the article


A keyword is a short key to the information. Keywords should indicate the topic area and the methodology of the paper. Keywords are most likely to retrieve, read and cite your article.

10% Methods The research work should have enough information's to enable the reader to understand what was the work carried out, i.e., on what research were rate and what was the primary outcome measured and how it was defined.
15% Results and contribution Should aim to narrate your research findings without trying to interpret or evaluate them & contributions.
10% Conclusion

Illustrate the final discovery of the research which synthesizes the answer to your objectives. It contains the elements:

  • The perspective
  • The primary take home message
  • The additional findings
20% Live Presentation

The research paper will be presented with the powerpoint presentation slides. It is divided in to two parts:

  • Presentation of Article - The Author will explain in detail about the research work
  • Questionnarie Session - Questions can be raised for the research work

10% Open Forum

It is a text interactive area between the authors for the article.

Reviewers should review 5 articles of their choice and can post the comments or questions on respective article.

The authors has to answer for the questions or comments posted.

Note: The authors should not mention the personal details, i.e. contact email id or number. If so the author's article & author will be disabled from the open forum.

15% Over all adherences to the scientific format

Appropriately numbered (sub) sections with descriptive titles, good transition between sections, use of diagrams and tables, good English & annotated bibliography items.

10% Introduction of New concepts in the study

Introduction of new concepts ideas which would benefit for the research community and society in upcoming generations.